Friends of the Taunton Rugby

Friends of Taunton Rugby Club

Supporting Taunton RFC.

The Friends of Taunton Rugby was started in the summer of2006 with a main objective to improve the opportunities of senior players atTaunton Rugby Football Club by fundraising, to ensure that they played rugby atas high level as possible for the benefit of the players, the club and thelocal community.

Since 2006 the group has contributed a considerable amount of funds towardssenior rugby as well as other associated activities. It is currently managed bya group of Trustees, (Stephen Bell / Dick Macey / Richard Walford / Alan Rouse/ Hugh Duder / Dave Jarvis / Robert Harris) who are all appointed annually atan AGM.

We do ask for an annual minimum subscription of £100.00 and you don't have tobe a member of the parent club (Taunton RFC) to join us. People often say when asked if they would be interestedin joining the Friends of Taunton Rugby, “what do I get out of joining”.  Well, the answer basically is “nothing at all” save thatknowing you are helping with your contribution to assist in rugby related“projects” that the parent club may not consider as “business as usual” or beable to assist financially.You can consider that in joining us you are puttingsomething back into what, maybe as a former player, or as a supporter or parentyou really believed in and enjoyed your participation.Most of our fundraising comes from pre match lunchesarranged to coincide with Titans home games and these lunches, of which therehave been over 170 since 2006 have proved very popular and can range in numbersof attendees from 50 to over 300, providing a very pleasant and easy way ofsocialising and networking at the same time.

We are always looking for new members, so, if you would like to join us then please feel free to get in touch using the contact detail below.