Chairman's Statement - End Of Season 2024

Article published:
May 23, 2024

As the final whistle blew on 27th April at Blackheath Rugby Club, the elation of Taunton Titans dominant victory over their hosts was overwhelmed by sadness as it became apparent that for the Season 2024/2025 we would be campaigning in National League Two. However the measure of a great team, club or individual is not how they deal with victory but rather the inevitable setbacks that come through any career in sport, and Taunton RFC delivers pure determination and resolve through every part of our great club. Within days of the last game of the season Tony Yapp and myself were inundated with messages from our senior squad asking about our plans for the new season and wishing to be involved.

Budgets have been prepared for Rugby and delivered to Tony Yapp who is working tirelessly piecing together a new coaching structure and recruiting both our former and new players keen to join us, his knowledge and contacts across the Rugby world yet again proving priceless as we build to the future. Taunton RFC is committed and determined to return to National League One, we have learnt a great deal from the last two seasons and everyone involved will be giving their all both on and off the pitch to make this happen. With regards to how we have structured the budgets I can assure you that we making sure that we have sufficient to deliver a top class performance from the Titans but within a deliverable framework from the club making sure that we stay sustainable for many years to come.

Our club is formed of many parts mention must be made to Taunton Warriors who had a spectacular season winning the league and scoring over 1200 points, they play in Counties 1 Tribute Western North next season with challenging games against other National League  second teams next season and the resurrection of Taunton V Bridgwater in a true league match which I am sure will be a massive crowd.

I also want to give special thanks to Sam Wallis for the care, support and tireless work that she has put into our thriving Youth Section, leading it as the Youth Chairman along with safeguarding and team management roles, Sam is an inspiration to so many as what it means to be a true club focused volunteer, additionally I want to thank each and every coach, team manager, parent helper and indeed all the parents for supporting the 100’s of children who enjoy the spirit of this great game, forming friends for life while staying fit and healthy.

Chris Brown has along with Ria and others created a fantastic ladies and girls squad several of whom have gone on to have County honours with numbers growing, they have played matches all over the South West, thanks and praise to you all for the way that you represent Taunton RFC.

A huge thanks go to our sponsors who show incredible generosity to our club on and off the pitch, without their support we would be unable to sustain our facilities and contribute to rugby at all levels. The Friends of Taunton rugby and the 200 club deserve a mention as they constantly support and raise money for Rugby, the tireless efforts of this group season after season as both supporters and raising thousands of much needed pounds.

None of this would happen without the hard work of all the full and part time staff at Taunton RFC who keep our fine facility open 7 days a week along with the grounds team who’s hours of work produce the finest playing surface and beautiful grounds. Our full and part time commercial team create the amazing matchdays, conferences, weddings, family parties and birthdays the list is endless, my heartfelt thanks to you all, I feel honoured to have the chance to work alongside you all.

We should all look to the future with confidence, the effort of all involved, paid professional staff and the army of volunteers have put your club in a very good place both financially and with our Rugby offering, I look forward to seeing you all pitch side next season.

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